1 min read

An Amazon KDP Lesson

Doing Amazon KDP actually gave me insight on how our education affects us.
An Amazon KDP Lesson
Photo by Christian Wiediger / Unsplash

Back in July, I uploaded a few notebooks onto Amazon KDP and got a few sales. I have made about $13 CAD so far. Uploading 35 notebooks onto Amazon from start to finish took one Saturday evening.

While I do think those sales were made out of luck, it does mean that maybe there is an opportunity in Amazon KDP for me. After all, the idea of building an asset that pays money regardless of what I do with my time is quite attractive.

A major lesson I learned, and am still learning is the meaning of taking care of myself first. School and work have taught me to get really good at completing other people's requests. I noticed that the moment I want to do something for myself, I either have "no time" or give up too easily.

No more of that. I want to build something. And while Amazon KDP might not be the most scalable or lucrative online business opportunity, it's something that requires next to no economic investment.

Educationally, maybe the best way to educate is to teach the students to set goals for themselves that are actually good for them. Maybe the best lesson for the individual is on how to negotiate with their own selves as both a boss and an employee.

Maybe it's actually dangerous to hear my students say: "I can only learn this in a class because I need someone to push me."

More updates to come but the first lesson I learned is that I am so used to serving other people that I've forgotten how to serve myself. Not in the selfless and selfish way, but in the 'I need to do what is actually good for me' kind of way.