1 min read

Fork in the Road

You can choose, but fully embrace the decision until you choose again.
Fork in the Road
Photo by Einar Storsul / Unsplash

Feeling uneasy is normal when deciding between universities or careers because there's something to lose no matter what is selected. These types of decisions are a privilege from abundance and shouldn't be feared.

In forks in the roads like these, it helps to focus on what is important and make a level headed decision.

Growth, long term benefits, people are all factors. But the most important factor is...will the decision put you in a happier place?

If so, go for it. Note that happy here does not mean fulfilling hedonistic desires. Rather, it means asking yourself will you be closer to serving the audience you seek to impact and if the work aligns with your skills. How will the decision affect the people important to you? Positively or negatively?

Answering those few questions should help point the way.