Willfully Blind

If you're like me, sometimes you get fridge blindness. The ketchup is right in front of you, and you see it, but you don't. You ignore it, and innocently fumble through the fridge until you realize - Ah! There it is right in front of me.

That's the ideal scenario. But what about the times when the cold air from the fridge is noticeably spreading throughout the room, and you're beginning to break a sweat because you really can't find it?

You call out for help, only to realize that you had only been searching for about ten seconds. Your partner, or mom, or whoever comes and instantly spots what you were looking for.

Problem solved. Life goes on until the next time you open the fridge.

But what about the problems in your life that can't be solved by other people? What about your diet? Your job? Your education? Your social life? Your habits?

The same way compound interest snowballed Warren Buffet's net worth is the same way credit card debt snowballs into years of hardship and possibly regret.

I believe in the compound effects of micro-habits, and regular habits too for that matter. The problems in our lives that we are blind to will not fix themselves. What's more, is that we usually see these problems.

We know if our health is not like where we'd want it to be. The same is true for our finances, our education, and our habits. And most of us aren't constrained by our circumstances to change.

Many of us are willfully blind. Many of us see the ketchup in the fridge but are still unwilling to take it out. Take the ketchup out. Don't wait until the fries are cold and stale.

Is there an area of life you are blind to?